Saturday, February 10, 2007

A change of direction!

Where do I start?

Well we've had a change of plans and direction in the last week which was necessitated by some good news for a change!

My Lovely Boy is soon to become a Lovely Published Boy! Much to our delight his manuscript which was submitted just before we left, was accepted by a publisher! We really didn't expect such a quick response and were fully prepared to wait 3 or 4 months before hearing anything at all about it's prospects! So we're delighted to be able to return home for a short while to deal with the "business" side of things! It's not a bad thing! The book by the way is a history book and is based on an aspect of Irish history during the War of Independence which you don't see much written about. I don't want to say too much just yet cause it's his business.

So the deal is that we're here for a while, don't know how long yet, it'll be a couple of weeks anyway. Which will give the Continent a bit of time to prepare itself for us with more sunshine and less biting winds sil vous plait! We're probably not going to do the Scandinavian trip this time but have talked about taking a holiday to see the Northern Lights sometime else. The break at home will give me chance to learn some basic language skills in Italian and Spanish as well as getting visas sorted for Russia, Mongolia and China so all is not lost! I don't think I'll try to learn Chinese or Russian it might just be a bit beyond me!

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